Friday 25 February 2011


The costume worn for the cover and the main image on the double page spread is typical teenage clothes. I wanted Lilly-Emma to be wearing something that the audience would be familir with, because often they will see celebrities/personalities in magazine and want to dress like them. So, by putting the model in boots, skinny jeans and a colourful hoodie this makes is accessable to the young teenage audience as it is something that they could easily buy to look like their favourite musician. I wanted to use minimal make up and not look Lily-Emma has been made too much of an effort on as to give the correct impression to the younger audience.

The second costume for Lily-Emma would be the one used for her album cover, to be used as a small picture on the double page spread. For this is wanted quite causual plain clothes to fit in with the setting. The setting would be very busy and full of trees and leaves. So the model would stand out I wanted it to be a different colour to the setting so brighter purple and blue would be noticable against the background. To fit in with the image I am trying to get across from Lily-Emmas character it needed to be laid-back relaxed clothing.

The costume used for 'Isaac' needed to be bright and noticable like his suposed character is. I wanted it to be very stylish and look like the teenage boy you would see on the streets. A green hoodie and jeans made him look like one of the crowd and kept to his character of a teenage boy turned popstar.

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