Friday 19 November 2010

Questionnaire Results

1. All of the people that answered my questionnaire were aged 19 or under. This is helpful to me as the target audience I am aiming my magazine is within this age. This helps me to collect relevant information for my music magazine, for example. colours, contentions and features that they are interested in.

2. 80% of responses to my questionnaire were female. This shows that the answers to my questionnaire are going to be mainly female based, such as colours scheme, favourite bands. This helps me with my magazine as it helps me to collect relevant information as my magazine is going to be aimed mainly at a female audience.

3. This question helps me with my music magazine as it shows what other things people who are interested in music are also interested in. Answers such as ‘dance, shopping, fashion, craft, music’ help me because this person was interested in music and other things that I can include/link into my magazine. Also ‘art, music, facebook and partying’ can be used as I can link my music magazine to things like facebook, if my target market are interested and use these social networks.

4. The responses to this question help me as downloading music is now the most common way people listen to music. From this I can see how popular music actually is with my target audience. I can also tell the there is a mixed response to this question so I would not include alot of information on music downloads but some for the majority of peple who do download music online.

5. This question helps me as I can see that under 19s are interested in a wide range of music genres. I can see the most listened to genre was Pop music, which you would expect. But there were also many other genres of music that were popular responses.

6. This question helps me to find out how popular music magazines are. The responses I recieved showed that most people buy magazines every 2-3 months. There are not many people that buy them weekly. This shows that I should look at making my magazine a monthly issue rather than one that is released every week.

7. From this question I can see that there are many different artists that people would be interested in reading about. There was no clear front runner who people would enjoy reading about so this shows that there is once again a wide range of genres of music that I should be looking at including in my magazine.

8. This most popular colour combination chosen from this section was Black, White and Red. This question and the chosen responses suggest the colours and combinations that stand out most and appeal to my target market. From the most popular Black, White and Red combination you can infer that this would be the colour combination that most people would pick up if it was featured on the cover of a magazine as it would catch their eye most.

9. The response to this question suggests that the most popular feature of a music magazine for my target audience is 'Exclusive Interviews' and 'Album/Single Reviews'. These are things that I should definately be including in my music magazine if I want it to be popular with my target audience. The response to the other questions was varried. 'Festivals' getting the least votes is not so suprising because my target audience are more than likely too young to be interested into going to festivals or being interested in them. It also shows that are different audience are interested in 'New Bands/Artists' and this is something I should probably not focus my magazine on, as my audience (as shown in response to other questions) are interested in popular well know artists and bands.

10. The response from this question was not very conclusive. There was no clear winner between a 'Cluttered' layout and a 'Ordered' layout. This shows that the responses were probably not from younger people as they are more interested in a cluttered, busy layout and and older audience who would stereotypically want an ordered layout. I should aim to get a ordered layout but not too regimental or plain.

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