Thursday 24 March 2011

Evaluation: Progression from preliminary task

Looking back at my preliminary task product, I feel that I have progressed a lot to my full product.
I have learnt a lot more along the way of conventions of magazines and the things that are done to make it attractive and appealing to the audience.
With regards to the front cover, looking back the image on my preliminary task is quite hidden underneath the coverlines. I have learn throughout that although there is need for a lot of coverlines (particularly to my target audience choice) that the image still needs to be the main thing on the page, as it is the thing people see first. I have also progressed by my use of a pull quote on the cover. By using this reader gets an insight into the article and ‘pulls in’ their interest to read it and purchase the magazine. On my preliminary task front cover I didn’t really have anything that revealing or interesting that would grab the audiences attention.

My final product appeals a lot more to a specific audience. Because the school magazine had to appeal to a wide range of ages I had to make it as neutral as possible so it would appeal to everyone. By identifying a clear target audience for my final product I was able to create a more appealing colour scheme, contents features and use mise-en-scene more effectively to appeal to them.
I also used a variety of fonts on my final product. With my preliminary task I used just one font which made the cover look very plain and not very appealing because nothing stands out. On my final cover I used different fonts to appeal to the audience effectively.
On the topic of Technologies, I have developed my skills in the use of different editing programmes and found that is more suitable to use a combination of many to achieve the best results for my product. With my preliminary task I used one programme to create my product, mostly having the same results for each element. However, for my full product I experimented with a wider range of programmes which all did different things to help my product in different ways. Photoscape is useful, but only for editing single photos. When I came to adding many different elements to my cover and double page spread I needed another programme that would cope with layering of text and other elements, particularly involving the house style and colour scheme.


  1. 17/20 (A)

    To improve further try include more discussion of how your skills have progressed from preliminary to main task. Use more specific examples from your magazine to explain how you targeted a specific target audience. Consider comparing your representation to a representation from a similar magazine.

  2. Current Marks

    Research and Planning 18/20
    Production 48/60
    Evaluation 17/20

    Total Marks: 83/100 (A)

    You now need to make any further improvements by the final deadline of the 7th of April. To improve your magazine try to use a wider variety of font styles.
